Yoga Part 2 : Spontaneity (what it is and how it can help us)

In my last blog (Yoga Part 1) I mentioned the word spontaneity as something we can do to free some the stress that builds up and with that be more present and freer.

Spontaneity is something I have been exploring in my Yoga practice, on and off the mat, in my everyday life, which has brought a lot of freedom of movement within my body, lessening aches and pains, and also in my mind where I no longer not feel so restricted. I now find I am much more open to whatever is happening in my environment, personal life, my mental and physical health. 

So, what does it mean Spontaneity? Where can we apply it in our very busy lives ? What are the benefits and how does it fit into Yoga?

When we do something spontaneous, we have not had time to plan things, worry about things or have any expectations, we just go ahead and do it ! Can you remember when was the last time you did something like going out for a dance when you were just about to go to bed but your friends have surprised you ? How did it feel, a bit like an adventure, awakening, joyful ?

Spontaneity can allow for a sense of freedom, adventure, self-discovery. Letting go of the need to be in control. Allowing fluidity and moving our bodies in different or new ways encouraging forgotten muscles to come alive, sensing our body and its functions, feeling more space and strength and great for our brain health.

As winter sets and we naturally become less active, perhaps less motivated. So, this might be a good time to give it a go. It might feel a bit awkward to start with,  but the more you allow for spontaneity to happen the easier it gets, try not to overthink it, or control it (more easily said than done !)

Start small; for example, everyday activities like brushing your teeth or hair, trying doing them with the weaker hand. Or, picking things off the floor, how many ways can you reach down to pick them up ? I have been experimenting with some modern dance action, a “spin and a flop” to the floor ! You might want to take a different route to work, just knowing you are going to do it is enough, no need to plan it. Instead of sitting to watch the telly why not dress up warm and go out for a brisk walk, keep changing directions and pay attention to all that is around you. Climb a tree, go on the swings when you pass the park, juggle some oranges, put a tune on and have a dance ! The list is endless.

Note for yourself, how did you feel before the activity, did it come easily or was it hard to let go ? How did you feel after, happy, frustrated ?

How does this fit into Yoga ? Yoga for me it’s about being present in the moment, in my body finding freedom in movement through exploration.

If you are interested in having a go at Yoga in general or in exploring spontaneity in movement, I highly recommend a Yoga website which I have been using and learning from called Movement for Modern Life. There are some fantastic teachers, with something for everyone to suit different abilities and different styles.

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