Why Summer Is The Time To Make Your Shampoo Organic

Anyone who wants to be more sustainable and keep animal products out of their food and also their cosmetics will look closely at the soaps and gels they use in the bathroom. But you should consider the shampoo you use too, because that may fall far short of the ethical and organic brand you might be using.

As Ethical Consumer has noted, many things go into common shampoos that are not vegan, sustainable, organic, or generally eco-friendly.

This list includes ingredients like microplastics and liquid polymers, toxic chemicals, palm oils, animal products like dairy produce and honey. Some are also tested on animals.

With all these being commonly found in shampoo bottles, it is important to check what is in them - and seek alternatives. The good news, however, is that we sell several organic shampoo products.

Why Change In Summer?

While there are good reasons to make sure your shampoo is organic, summer is a particularly good time to switch, as you should normally be using more of it.

There are various things that the summer weather can do to your hair, although the idea that the sunshine makes it grow faster is an urban myth. However, there are many things you can do that will mean you need to clean your hair more.

Firstly, when it does get hot, you will sweat more. While a sunhat will help reduce UV exposure and protect your skin from sunburn, it may also make your head hotter and sweatier. Not wearing a hat, however, can leave hair dry and brittle due to extra UV exposure.

This will be even more true if you play summer sports, partly because you will sweat more if you run around in the heat, but also because in some cases the equipment you wear will add to the sweat, a cricket helmet being a good example.

Of course, playing sports at other times of the year could get your hair in a mess too; getting covered in mud playing rugby or heading a muddy football is an obvious hazard on a wet autumn day. But summer remains the number one time when you may get more stuff in your hair than you bargained for.

Swimming In Who Knows What

Swimming is another case in point. Again, you will need your shampoo whenever you take a dip, not least when using an indoor pool as you try to get all that chlorine out of your hair before it ends up too dry and rough.

However, summer can bring opportunities to swim outdoors as well. An increasingly popular pastime - though not just in summer for those brave enough - this can mean you get all sorts in your hair, whether you are taking a dip in a lake, stream, or the sea.

Recent publicity about river pollution may put people off going in some places, but even when you can be sure there is no sewage dumped by your local water company, there will still be lots of things floating around in there that will give you good reason to get it all washed out afterward.

However, it is worth noting that the weather will have an effect on your hair all year round, but with different impacts in each season.

For instance, the extra sweat and moisture you experience in summer will be absorbed by your hair, which will cause it to frizz and lose texture. Your skin produces more oil in summer which means that while you won’t suffer dryness, it can feel more oily and greasy, although this varies from one individual to the next.

The Effects Of A Wet Summer

Wet and humid conditions have been much more common so far this summer, but these can increase dandruff and encourage fungal growth. If that thought doesn’t have you reaching for the shampoo, nothing will!  

This contrasts with the problems colder months bring, such as dryness that leads to a flaky scalp and dry hair.

However, it is worth remembering that, by its very nature, summer is the time when you are most likely to be spending time outside. This could include lots of activities outdoors, but the simple fact that the days are longer and lighter is enough in itself to ensure you will spend more time outdoors exposed to the elements.

With summer doing so much to challenge your hair in various ways, you will almost certainly find this is when you will wash it more than in any other part of the year. That is why if you want to change to an ethical, organic shampoo that is vegan-friendly and not tested on animals, now is the best time of all to make the switch.

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