Why Autumn Is Time To Focus On Organic Natural Moisturisers

Summer has brought some very different challenges for skincare regimes, with lots of hot sunshine to deal with in June, before everything turned rather wet and grim in July. How the rest of August will unfold remains to be seen.

However, one thing that is sometimes misunderstood about skincare in summer is that this tends to be a time when your skin holds more moisture. This is not a result of the factor 50 you may have put on when it has been sunny, but the fact that you will sweat more in the warmth, rather than the sun drying your skin.

In fact, autumn is when you really need to step up your skincare. As the weather gets colder, your skin won’t produce the sweat and oils induced by summer conditions and at the same time, the weather tends to be windier, blowing moisture off your skin. Central heating will have the same effect as it dries out the air indoors, where you will spend more time.

If left alone, your skin can end up very dry, flaky and often sore. That is why the end of summer is the best time of year to invest in some natural organic moisturiser. That way you can hold fast to your principles while keeping your skin looking great.

Skin dryness can be more seasonal for some than others. Many people find it is a year-round issue and they are more prone to dry, flaky skin. If this is you, your regime will be relatively unchanged.

On the other hand, if you have had no such problems in the summer, the arrival of autumn could catch you on the hop. That is why it makes sense now to be prepared, so that when the weather changes, the central heating comes on and the only heat you feel on your face is when you stand around a bonfire in November, you won’t be suffering excessive dryness.

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