What Women Really Want: Men With Great Skin

The calendar is always full of themed days, whether it is Christmas Day or Easter Sunday, Valentine’s Day or Bonfire Night. But some days seem to raise a few hackles here and there.

A good case in point is International Women’s Day, which takes place on March 8th. This year, as ever, will have seen many highlight important issues affecting women in the world today from health to human rights, as well as celebrating successes from the past such as the triumph of the Suffragette movement. This year came with an ‘Embrace Equity’ theme.

This day gets a mixed response from men. Some will appreciate the importance of the occasion, while others will ask whether it is really meaningful or still necessary, at least in the west where women can run whole countries (albeit for just a few weeks in some cases). Some may even be antagonistic, seeing the event as pandering to angry feminists who see all men in a dim light.

As ever, there will also be those who cheekily ask when International Men’s Day is, to which those in the know can answer: “It’s November 19th chaps, pop it in your diary now.”

Amid all this is a lot of talk about gender stereotypes and how many of these have had to be overcome for the betterment of women. But while some of them may linger, this is true for men and women alike. Indeed, it is fair to say that just as much as women want to be able to vote, work, own property and so on, they also might want men not to live up to stereotypes.

That’s where men’s natural skincare products come into the picture. Even if your man is fully signed up as a vegetarian or vegan, he may not use these, chiefly because he may be one of those guys who does not see good grooming as a desirable thing. For some, the rugged, work hard-play hard mentality means the idea of skincare is seen as a distinctly feminine thing.

If ever there was a gendered assumption that needs dismantling, this is definitely it. Good skincare matters. Many a lady will be only too delighted if her man has much better skin, with a smooth surface replacing the rough and reddened facial landscape after shaving. 

Such a point might be noted by those lads who are not having much luck with the girls. Those who might think that womenfolk are all somehow plotting against men by having these days to celebrate womanhood might be barking up the wrong tree, when the actual problem is they have skin like tree bark. 

So, men, please hear this: of course all the progress in women’s rights and so on is important to recognise, but there’s also a lot of everyday ways in which you can make things more pleasant for the lady in your life. 

Moreover, by discovering the wonderful array of men’s skincare products that are completely natural, plant-based and environmentally friendly, you can also join with those who celebrate occasions like World Environment Day on June 5th and World Vegan Day on November 1st

After all that, we promise lads, we’ll help you all celebrate International Men’s Day too, especially if you have wonderful, cared-for skin. 

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