The Benefits Of A Holistic Approach To Hair Care In Winter
The winter can be tough on our health, and it can be more difficult to maintain that inner glow that makes our hair look radiant. The cold dry air can take a toll on your tresses, and our immune system is under pressure as it battles with lower temperatures and the increased presence of bugs and viruses.
However, by taking a holistic approach to your diet and mental wellbeing, combined with the use of natural hair care products, it’s possible to keep yourself well both inside and out. Here’s how to make it all work together.
Happy winter hair care
Our hair is a key part of our identity, and we strive to keep it in great condition. When we are happy with our hair, it can be a great confidence booster and can make us feel ready for any occasion. However, it’s a more difficult task during the winter months, when central heating and icy outside air make our hair drier and more brittle.
This can leave our tresses more prone to breakage, split ends and frizz. Often we try to combat this with extra products and heated styling tools, only to find that our hair becomes duller and more difficult to manage in the long run.
To protect and nourish your locks, look for sulphate-free shampoos that will gently cleanse your hair without stripping out the natural oils. Build a weekly deep conditioning treatment into your haircare routine to replenish moisture and help to keep your hair shiny and manageable.
Choose a product with natural ingredients such as shea butter or argan oil, that will contain no artificial fragrances, emulsifiers or preservatives that could cause further damage to your hair. Avoid using heat styling tools unless it’s really necessary, and instead use a serum or little coconut oil to tame any frizziness and add extra shine to your hair.
Eating your way to healthy hair
Diet as well as maintenance routines plays a strong role in the condition and appearance of our hair. Include oily fish in your diet such as salmon and mackerel, which contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Our body cannot manufacture these compounds independently, so we need to get them as part of a balanced diet.
Besides having all kinds of benefits such as helping to regulate blood pressure and reducing inflammation, they contribute to healthier and fuller hair. Other good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include walnuts, soybeans and flax seeds.
If your hair is brittle and prone to breakage and split ends, include more foods with vitamin C and beta carotene in your diet, such as spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes. Hair that is thinning may be a sign of iron deficiency, so include iron-rich foods such as leafy greens, red meat, eggs and fortified cereals into your diet.
Finally, don’t neglect hydration. It may be tempting to drink less water during the winter, but it’s still crucial to prevent dehydration that can cause the skin and hair to dry out. If you want a hot drink, limit caffeine and instead choose more hydrating herbal or fruit teas.
Looking after your mental wellbeing
We are increasingly beginning to understand just how finely calibrated the relationship between our minds and bodies are. Stress puts strain on the whole body, unbalancing hormones and upsetting the digestive system, so nutrients are absorbed and circulated less efficiently.
A stressful episode can also temporarily disrupt the growth cycle of the hair, sending it into a prolonged phase of rest, known as telogen effluvium. You may notice that more hairs than usual shed when you wash or brush your hair, and it looks thinner and finer than usual.
Therefore, it’s important to manage your stress levels to give your hair a helping hand, particularly during the winter months. Regular exercise will boost your circulation, helping to deliver vital nutrients to the cells responsible for hair growth and renewal.
Exercise is also a great mood enhancer, helping to combat anxiety and make life seem that little bit easier. It also helps to improve sleep quality, which is essential for allowing the body to replenish nutrients and nurture new growth.
Other ways to manage stress levels include mindfulness, meditation, journaling, and keeping in regular contact with friends and loved ones.
With a holistic approach that embraces the right products, a well balanced diet and stress management techniques, it’s possible for your hair to look healthy and radiant all year round.
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