Summer Skin Problems And How To Solve Them

We expect to be glowing and glorious in the summertime, but often the extra sunshine and increased temperatures can actually lead to our skin suffering a bit more than usual.

There are many different problems your skin may encounter in the summer however taking some extra steps in your skincare routine and giving some TLC can help to get your skin back on track and looking beautiful once again.

One of the most common skin issues faced in summer is more frequent, or worse, breakouts. This can be difficult to deal with as you may feel you need to cover your skin more, which can be uncomfortable in the heat, and this can sometimes make your breakouts worse.

It can seem like a losing battle, but your skin may only need a little bit of extra help to battle through the beach day breakouts and come out glowing on the other side.

Hotter temperatures mean we sweat more, leaving our skin often feeling damp or sticky. This can attract more dirt and impurities and make them stick on our face, clogging our pores and leading to breakouts.

One way to combat this is to simply wash your face more often. A gentle cleanser day and night can help to flush away any of the nasties which have accumulated on the skin and can clear your pores out.

You may also wish to ditch the heavy creams and products and instead go for lightweight, natural face creams and non-greasy SPFs. These can help to make the skin feel less clogged and congested while still giving it the hydration and protection it needs.

Another reason your skin may be breaking out or feeling dry and tight is due to the fact that you are dehydrated.

Water is so essential to the health of your skin and ensuring you are drinking enough daily is vital for your wellbeing. In the heat, we sweat more which means we lose more water, meaning you must drink more to replenish it.

Often in the summer, unhappy skin is simply dehydrated skin. Upping your water intake may help your skin to feel plumper, refreshed and hydrated.

Sunburn is another common summer skin issue that can be painful and uncomfortable. The importance of sun protection when spending long periods of time outdoors is widely known and it is advised that you use at least SPF 30, if not SPF 50.

This helps to protect your skin against harmful UV rays which can cause it to burn and cause sun damage which can lead to fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots.

By protecting your skin, you are helping to retain its health and preventing it from drying out, burning and blistering. SPF should be reapplied every two hours, or whenever it is rinsed off your face either from swimming, sweating or washing.

By properly caring for your skin in the summertime, you can help to prevent it from becoming inflamed and red, minimise breakouts, keep it hydrated and moisturised and maintain fresh, healthy skin all summer long.

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