Making A Smooth Skincare Transition From Winter To Spring
The first welcome hints of spring are in the air, as the buds are peeking through on tree branches and the temperatures are a little milder. This can be a time of renewal, and it calls for a change in approach to your skincare routine.
The winter can be very tough on the skin, with artificially heated dry indoor environments and cold outdoor air that draws away moisture. This requires products with intense hydration to protect the skin and prevent uncomfortable dryness. However, the milder spring conditions call for a lighter approach.
Here’s how natural moisturisers and other products can help you to transition from a winter to spring skincare routine.
Step up exfoliation
You may have taken a step back from exfoliation during the winter, particularly if your skin is prone to redness and irritation due to the lack of humidity. However, as we move into warmer weather and use the central heating less, the skin can start to look dull and feel clogged up with heavy moisturisers and dead skin cells.
Regular exfoliation can restore the natural radiance of your skin and improve its tone and texture. It can also help to unclog pores, which is useful if you are prone to spots and acne breakouts. However, beware of harsh chemical products that can create irritation and have an overly drying effect.
Instead, look for natural products such as pink clay. This has a gentle cleansing effect and contains small fine particles that effectively exfoliate without leaving your skin rough and red. Pink clay also has a natural ionic charge, which draws out toxins and breaks them down.
To use, simply mix some of the clay powder with a few drops of tap water or rose water to make a smooth paste. Apply it to your face and leave to do its magic for five to ten minutes. Rinse off with warm water and use a face cloth or cotton wool pads to remove any remaining traces.
Switch to a lighter moisturiser
Richer face creams are necessary in winter to keep the skin feeling soft and supple, but they can feel too greasy as the weather warms up. You may notice that the product doesn’t absorb as well, and if you are prone to acne it can provoke a flare up.
Look for a lighter cream or serum that contains natural ingredients such as avocado and argan oil, which enrich the skin without causing irritation or excessive greasiness. Void products with synthetic ingredients, which contain drying chemical substances or preservatives.
Apply your chosen face cream within a few minutes of washing and drying your face to help lock in moisture and build up your skin’s natural barrier.
Use a mild cleanser
If you have been using a rich creamy cleanser during the winter, this may become too heavy and upset the natural balance of oils in your skin by springtime. Look for lighter foaming cleansers that contain gentle but effective ingredients such as aloe vera, and are free from sulfates and artificial fragrances and colours.
Step up sunscreen use
Sunscreen should be applied all year round if you are spending time outdoors, because UV light can still cause damage on a cloudy day in winter. However, it becomes even more important to protect your skin in spring, when most of us are spending more time outdoors and the sun is getting stronger.
Look for an SPF of 25 or above, and nourishing natural ingredients such as avocado, jojoba, and pomegranate. Antioxidants such as tea tea extract and green tea can help to combat the ageing effects of sun exposure.
Pay attention to hydration and nutrition
What we eat and drink plays an important role in the condition of our skin. Drink water regularly throughout the day, and include plenty of vitamin rich fruit and vegetables in your diet. Drinking water with meals makes it easier for fluids to be absorbed in the gut and transferred to the circulatory system, where it will be delivered to the crucial cells.
Aim for a minimum of five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. Beta-carotene, which is found in orange coloured produce such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, and citrus fruits, is particularly beneficial for supporting healthy skin cells.
Healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, and oily fish will also help to keep your skin supple and soft.
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