How You Can Stay Fresh In Summer The Plant-Based Way

Spring may be a capricious season, with varied weather including both warm and cold temperatures as well as spells of both sunshine and showers. But summer could, and should, be quite pleasantly different.

True, Britain’s weather is unpredictable at any time of year and there is always the risk of lots of rain. The only absolute certainties are that the temperature will be warmer and the daylight hours will be longer, but historical data also shows that the average UK location gets 1,403 hours of sunshine a year, with this being more in southern and eastern locations. 

By and large, the chances are that there will be lots of hot days, either of sweltering temperatures under cloudless and sunny skies or, when the weather does start to turn, the kind of steamy humidity that can build up ominously as thunderstorms approach and the sticky air can be cut with a knife and fork. Either of these will get the sweat glands working overtime.

Humidity levels can also vary from place to place, but the point is that wherever you live, the likelihood is you will get hot and sweaty many times in the summer even in the course of normal activities. This will only increase if you are very active, such as if you play summer sports like cricket and tennis, do lots of running or spend the season hiking for hours on end in the countryside.

All this means now could be a very good time to get your hands on some vegan body wash, as the sweaty summer will mean more reasons visit the shower with increasing frequency. It means that not only will you be staying fresh and clean throughout the hottest periods of the year; you will be doing so in a plant-based, friendly way that does not impact on your conscience.

You can also use such products in conjunction with a lot of other plant based animal & earth friendly items to deal with everything the summer throws at you. This includes vegan deodorant, moisturiser when your skin gets dry after a day in the sun, vegan sun cream to stop you getting burned and, of course, ethical clothing to help you cover up where necessary, keeping the sun off while staying reasonably warm and ventilated.

Of course, these factors will not always overlap. If you are an active person who likes to climb mountains, you may sweat a lot with the exertion but find you are experiencing low temperatures on the tops even in summer, with peaks like Ben Nevis and the summits of the Cairngorm Plateau having a subArctic climate. Or you may visit the actual Arctic to see the famous ’Midnight Sun’. 

For the most part, however, the summer will be a warmer time and one where you need to drink plenty, cover up and use sunscreen - especially if you have pale skin - and look after your body. But if you do, it can be a wonderful and active time that you can enjoy, all this in an entirely animal & environmentally friendly way. 

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