How To Restore Dry And Damaged Hair

There are many reasons you might end up with dry and damaged hair, ranging from heat damage to dryness caused by the hair wash products you use too. Dry brittle hair can also be a result of a hormonal imbalance or a health condition so make sure you do rule this possibility out as well.

While extremely damaged hair may be hard to restore completely, you can still take several steps to breathe some life back into your locks. 

It isn’t just curlers and straighteners that can fry your hair and even using a blow-dryer at a high temperature can frazzle it. The first step in fixing heat damageis to limit your use of heat, however, for some people, this might not be possible as they rely on these tools to tame the hair beast. 

Using your tools at a lower temperature can help prevent further damage and give your hair a little break from intense, high heat. You could also try ditching the tools altogether a few times a week

If you find yourself using multiple heated tools, you may want to try cutting down on how many you use. If you blow-dry then straighten, you could try letting your hair air dry before straightening to limit the heat you subject your hair to. 

If you do feel the need to use heat on your hair, try using a good heat protectant to help protect your hair, prevent split ends and provide a barrier between your hair and the heat. 

If you want to try and fix existing damage, using deep hydrating hair masks and oils is a good way to restore moisture and reduce the appearance of heat damaged hair. Giving your hair a good trim will not only remove the damaged split ends but will also help encourage healthy growth.

Your hair might also be damaged from excessive dying or bleaching. Expressing yourself through your hair colour and style is all fun and games until you find yourself with a head full of irreparably fried locks. 

Bleach can be incredibly damaging to hair, regardless of how careful you are when bleaching. It lightens your hair by stripping and removing the natural pigments. It can leave your hair porous and fragile, making it prone to breaking and snapping. 

Dyeing your hair can also cause the same problems that bleaching does. 
It can strip your hair of moisture and leave it coarse and dry. Ensuring you keep your hair conditioned and well looked after can minimise the damage caused by dyeing.

Opting for non-permanent dye is a good way to lessen the damage caused by at-home dye jobs. However, if you want to go all out and permanently colour your hair, getting the job done by a professional can help reduce the damage. 

Using natural products specifically formulated for dry and damaged hair can help restore moisture, shine and breathe new life into dull locks, so trying out some organic, vegan hair care products may just be the fix you're looking for.

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