Caring For Mature Skin In Your 40s, 50s, And Beyond

As we get older our skin begins to change, and therefore the products we use to best care for it will also change. Older skin tends to be drier, duller and loses elasticity, and it may begin to develop fine lines and wrinkles. 

Mature skin may also be more sensitive to regular skincare products, which is why many people use natural face creams and other alternative formulations.

Here’s a look at the best organic and cruelty free skincare options for mature skin.

What is mature skin?

There is no fixed number for when your skin is classed as mature, because this process will be different for everybody. It can be influenced by genetic inheritance, lifestyle choices, and your general state of health and how well your skin has been previously cared for. 

Skin that has been regularly exposed to sunlight without UV protection will tend to age faster, for example. Smoking, diet, and use of harsh chemical treatments can also prematurely age the complexion. However, even the best looked after skin will begin to show the first signs of age by around 40, because our collagen production begins to slow down.

Collagen is a protein that supports the skin's structure and gives the appearance of smoothness and suppleness, and over time skin may wrinkle or sag around the eyes and jawline. It also plays a role in the turnover of dead skin cells, so as levels decrease, you may notice that your skin is less radiant and drier or rougher than it used to be. 

Of course, striving to look younger is not the aim of proper skin care; but feeling comfortable and confident in the skin you have is important for most of us to look and feel our best. 

Looking after your skin in your 40s

Our forties are often an enjoyable but demanding time as we forge ahead with life’s plans, perhaps with career, family or travel, or even all of these and more. It’s usual to begin to notice the first fine lines around your eyes, cheeks, or forehead during this decade, and your skin may feel a little drier and more sensitive than usual.

To keep your complexion feeling comfortable, consider switching to products with 100 per cent natural ingredients. These will contain no harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances or colourings that could irritate your skin and leave it looking red and feeling tight. Creams that contain natural antioxidants such as vitamin C or green tea will help to keep your skin soft.

If you begin to notice that your skin is dry or starting to lose elasticity, try richer creams and face masks that contain shea butter, aloe vera and hyaluronic acid, which will lock in moisture without oiliness or irritation. 

Skincare in your 50s

By your fifties, collagen production has began declining and you may notice that your lines are deepening and your skin tone is less even than it used to be, perhaps with age spots (known as hyperpigmentation). 

Nourishing skincare products that contain natural ingredients such as evening primrose oil, organic rosehip, and golden jojoba can be used as a rich moisturiser for mature or dry skin types. Evening primrose oil is a valuable ingredient if your skin is dry but also prone to hormone related acne, which is caused by excess sebum production.

Acne is a frustrating problem experienced by many women around the age of 45 to 55, due to hormonal changes caused by the perimenopause and menopause. Treating it successfully can also be a challenge, because regular options such as benzoyl peroxide can cause the skin to appear red and may lead to peeling and cracking. 

Natural alternatives such as evening primrose oil, tea tree oil, and golden jojoba will balance out sebum production and have a natural antibacterial effect to discourage the formation of blemishes. Meanwhile, when combined with rosehip they are rich in vitamins A, B, D, and E, which support the skin structure and help to keep it supple. 

Skincare in your 60s and beyond 

In your 60s and upwards, your skin will probably be noticeably drier and less smooth than it used to be. Your mature skin is a sign of a full and interesting life, and there is no reason to erase the signs of ageing. However, it is important to keep your skin in good condition as it becomes more delicate and heals less easily from abrasions. 

Look for facial oils containing deeply moisturising and nutrient-rich ingredients such as jojoba, shea butter, and organic argan. 

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