Universal Skincare Truths To Remember
With such a wide variety of skincare products out there, each of which somewhat singularly focused on one specific aspect of your skin to take care of, such as hydration, tightening, smoothing wrinkles and effective cleansing, it can feel quite overwhelming at times.
However, whilst looking for the right natural skincare treatment for you, it is important to be aware of a few golden rules that will help you set your skin up for success.
Consistency Is Better Than Luxury
Whilst it is very tempting to splash out every now and then on a product far outside of your usual budget, this can sometimes do more harm than good.
Our skin relies on consistency, so it is far better to choose products for your routine you can use every day than use amazing and expensive products just once or twice.
Thankfully, there are a lot of great affordable natural brands out there so you can afford to have the best.
Too Much Exfoliation Is Worse Than Not Enough
Cleansing and exfoliation are important parts of a skincare routine, as they strip away dead skin layers as well as the dirt and grime that pollutes our skin on a day-to-day basis, but there is a fine balance to take with this.
Many people who have overly aggressive exfoliation routines fail to take into account that cleansing is a two-step process; you strip away the dead skin layer and let the new skin cells establish a barrier of protection.
Exfoliating too much or using far harsher treatments such as peels or microdermabrasion can do more harm than good, so trust your skin and start out with milder treatments less often, especially if you have sensitive skin.
More Is Not Always Better
Similarly to how too much exfoliation can be worse, it can be tempting to choose products with high percentages and formulations of active ingredients, but that can cause irritation and discomfort to your skin if it is too much for it to tolerate.